Monday, August 4, 2008

Does natures cure acne treatment really work and home remedies to heal acne quick

Click here to learn my secrets and learn HOW YOU can also treat your acne in less than two months without spending any money on any expensive products and antibiotics.
Natural oils and juices are effective for treating acne. Apricot juice cuts through cysts.Lemon juice serves as an exfoliate removing dry skin cells which cause acne. Apply lemon juice to infected area and let stand for ten minutes then rinse. Cucumber juice used a topical solution with lettuce , alfafa, and carrot juice is an excellent natural acne remedy.
Choose foundation that is non-comedogenic. Comedogenic makeup will cause your pores to become clogged. As you wear your makeup, most of it is gone by the end of the day. This is due to your hands touching your face but is also due to it settling into your pores. Choosing non-comedic foundation or non-acnegenic foundation will help your pores to not become as clogged.
tags: raw food diet garlic cures acne, face tanning machines for acne treatment, acne scar cream recommended

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